Global House Solicitors

Employment Law

If you believe that your employer has treated you unfairly, we can help.

Employment Law is a complex and evolving area. Our dedicated team of Employment Lawyers understands the challenges employees face, whether it’s starting a new job or navigating difficult situations at work. We offer expert advice and support to help you through these times.

Our Employment Lawyers are not only specialists in their field but also provide practical and realistic advice tailored to your unique situation. Our goal is to ensure your rights are protected and you receive fair treatment.

Our approachable team will guide you on the best legal actions to take and provide practical assistance on how to proceed.

Providing Advice on:

Compromise Agreements

We will assist you in understanding whether you are being offered a fair deal, and advise on the next steps. Our team will work with you through the agreement to ensure it meets your needs and helps you evaluate your options.

Disciplinary & Grievance Procedures

Our experts will guide you through the complexities of disciplinary and grievance procedures, ensuring you are fully informed about your rights and possible actions you can take to resolve the issues effectively.

Negotiating Executive Severance

We can evaluate your situation and establish realistic goals for severance negotiations. Our team will negotiate on your behalf to ensure you receive a fair and beneficial outcome.

Restrictive Covenants

We provide guidance on how restrictive covenants may impact your future employment opportunities. Our experts help you navigate these issues to protect your career and rights.

Contracts of Employment

We help you understand the terms and conditions of your employment contracts, advising on how to enforce them. Our team can assist in avoiding litigation and ensuring you are fully aware of your legal standing.

Employment Tribunal claims

We offer comprehensive support for employment tribunal claims, from initial advice to representation. Our team works to secure the best possible outcomes, whether through negotiation or tribunal proceedings.

Legal Help for Various Cases

Beyond Employment Tribunal cases, we offer services for a variety of employment-related issues. Whether you are dealing with professional disciplinary matters, seeking security clearance, or facing discrimination, our experienced lawyers provide the support you need. We specialize in protecting civil liberties and human rights.

Our Relationship Approach